Baby teeth are very important in helping your child achieve and maintain a healthy and beautiful smile that will last a lifetime. There are a few things you should know about your child’s baby teeth in order to keep them strong and healthy during childhood.
Baby Teeth Facts
Below are a few things you should know to keep your child’s teeth healthy:
- Baby tooth enamel is strong but vulnerable – Tooth enamel is the hardest substance in our bodies, but it is always being attacked by bacteria and acids in the food we eat. Make sure to help your child maintain strong enamel by drinking plenty of water and caring for his or her teeth.
- Baby teeth pave the way for healthy bite patterns – Baby teeth play a vital role in developing a healthy and well-aligned adult bite pattern. If baby teeth are neglected and lost too early, the other teeth can crowd the vacant space, leading to alignment issues.
- Baby teeth need good nutrition – A healthy diet can contribute to a healthy smile. Keep your child’s diet high in dairy products, fruits, vegetables and fiber, and low in sugar and high-acid foods.
- Baby teeth can fall out too early – Tooth loss generally begins around the age of 6 and concludes around the age of 12. Variations in either direction are common, but if teeth are lost too early, it’s important to make sure you bring your child to our office to ensure good oral health.
According to the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, your child should visit the dentist for the first time by the age of one or the emergence of his or her first tooth. This will allow us here at Little Rockies Pediatric Dentistry to put together a dental health plan that works for each individual smile. To make an appointment for your child to receive a dental cleaning and a checkup, please contact our Parker, Colorado pediatric dental office today.