Restoring great smiles
for your children
Restorative dentistry is any procedure that restores a diseased tooth back to being functional and aesthetic. This includes crowns, veneers, root canal therapy, or fillings.
Most of the time, if a child is brought in at the beginning stages of a cavity, our kids dentist can take care of it without needing to resort to more extensive treatments. However, if a cavity does occur, the solution is based solely on a case-to-case basis. This may include tooth-colored fillings, stainless steel (silver) crowns, or zirconia (white) crowns if your child is a good candidate.
If you believe your child could benefit from any of these restoration options, please call Little Rockies Kids Dental in Parker, Colorado.
Blog Articles
We care about creating great smiles for kids, and teens. Follow us on our blog to review trending topic and resources in the dental industry and related healthcare.
Aug 26, 2024, 6:47 PMGingivitis in children is the leading cause of severe dental issues if left untreated. Therefore, it is extremely…Aug 12, 2024, 4:51 PMKeeping your child's oral hygiene at its optimal level is crucial to sow the seeds of healthy habits in them. Regular…Jul 22, 2024, 11:20 PMBleeding gums in children can be alarming for parents. While occasional bleeding may be minor, persistent or excessive…
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