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What to Know About Impacted Wisdom Teeth

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Young lady with tooth pain and ice packImpacted wisdom teeth cause pain and infection, but they can also cause much more serious problems as well. For example, cysts and tumors are more likely to be found in wisdom teeth that are impacted as well.

If your child is experiencing pain or discomfort in the back of the jaw, it’s important to get X-rays taken to view the position of the wisdom teeth. This technology will allow us to see the wisdom teeth in relation to the surrounding teeth, and the mouth and gums will also be checked for infection. This is because an active infection can delay the removal of the wisdom teeth.

Removal of Impacted Wisdom Teeth

In almost every case, impacted wisdom teeth need to be removed surgically. This is done in case any surrounding bone needs to be removed before the wisdom teeth can come out. This may sound scary, but wisdom tooth extraction is a very common procedure and is performed on an outpatient basis.

While most people will have their wisdom teeth removed before they can start to cause problems, some will suffer impaction. You may want to consider having your child’s wisdom teeth removed before they become painful and problematic. The late teenage years are the most common time to have wisdom teeth removed. This will allow healing time and the procedure itself to be much simpler and quicker.

We do not want any of our patients to be in pain! If your child is experiencing pain in the back of the jaw or if you begin to notice any signs of infection (fever, swelling, etc.), please contact Little Rockies Pediatric Dentistry today. Our children’s dentist is located here in lovely Parker, Colorado.

Posted on Nov 12, 2018

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