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Common Childhood Dental Health Mistakes Made By Parents

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Mother and daughter brushing teethAround 42% of American children will develop at least one dental cavity in their baby teeth. Parents who mean well can sometimes make mistakes when it comes to their child’s oral health. You may be unknowingly harming your child’s teeth without even realizing it.

Oral Health Mistakes Made By Parents

Below are a few common ways that you may accidentally be harming your children’s dental health:

  • Letting kids care for their own oral health – While it is important that children be taught how to care for their own oral health, they should be brushing and flossing with supervision until the age of 7 or 8. When supervising your child, make sure he or she is brushing for the full two minutes and reaching the surface of every tooth.
  • Skipping fluoride – Experts agree that fluoride is the best way to prevent dental cavities in kids. Dosage is important, though, so make sure you’re not giving your child too much fluoride. Kids under two only need a smear of fluoride toothpaste on their toothbrush and kids over the age of two can have a pea-sized amount.
  • Waiting to make the first appointment – According to the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, children should first visit the dentist by the eruption of his or her first teeth or first birthday, whichever should come first. After their initial appointment, children should be seen every six months.

Here at Little Rockies Pediatric Dentistry, we know that you only want the best for your kids and their health. If you need to make an appointment for your children to receive dental cleanings and exams, please contact Little Rockies Pediatric Dentistry here in Parker, Colorado.

Posted on Dec 6, 2018

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