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Spring Cleaning For Your Oral Health

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Spring has arrived! This typically means it’s time to spring clean your house and yard, cleaning out closets, scrubbing floors, planting flowers, etc. But spring isn’t just a great time for household cleaning; it can also be a great opportunity to do a complete overhaul on your dental health as well!

Below we’ve provided a few tips on ways that you can start an oral health spring-cleaning regimen:

  • Reexamine your diet – If you set any New Year’s resolutions regarding the way you eat, now is the time to take stock of how you’ve been doing. If you haven’t set goals yet this year, there’s no better time than now! The first things you want to evaluate are the beverages you drink. Try to make sure you’re drinking water more than anything else, and start cutting out sugary drinks, sodas, and energy drinks. Next, cut out non-nutritive foods like candies, cookies, and pastries. Taking small steps one at a time is the best way to make sure you’re creating habits that will stick around!
  • Replace your toothbrush – We usually recommend replacing your toothbrush around every three months, or once your toothbrush bristles begin to fray. If you haven’t replaced your brush in a while, now is a good time to do it! Your toothbrush doesn’t need to be anything too fancy, as long as you’re brushing twice a day for at least 2 minutes at a time, the regular brushes will do the job just as well as the fancier, pricier ones.
  • Stock up on your dental supplies – Make sure you’re not running too low on mouthwash, toothpaste, or floss. Restock these items before you’ve run all the way out of them and make sure you’re checking expiration dates on your mouthwash!
  • Schedule a cleaning and exam – If you can’t remember the last time you went to the dentist, you better give us a call! We recommend coming in for your yearly exam around the same time each year. When you have it worked in as part of your routine, you’ll be less likely to neglect it. Birthdays are a great idea, but spring-cleaning time is even better! Remember, the earlier on we can catch any dental issues, the easier and less costly they’ll be to treat!
To schedule your annual dental cleaning and exam for your children, please contact Little Rockies Pediatric Dentistry at our beautiful Parker, CO office!

Posted on Mar 28, 2016

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