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Protecting Your Child’s Teeth During Sports

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Sports are a great pastime for kids! Not only does it improve motor skills and provide exercise, but it also helps them learn how to work as a team and solve conflict. However, there are also dangers that go along with sports, especially contact sports such as football and karate. In fact, it’s been found that young sports players lose around 3 million teeth every year!

When you think about sports injuries, dental injuries may not be the first thing that comes to mind. But there are so many ways that your child’s mouth may be hurt or damaged and many of these issues won’t be cheap to fix. To avoid the damage to your wallet, and your child’s pain and suffering, you should take certain precautions.

Protect Your Little Athlete’s Teeth!

If your child participates in a sport that could damage their teeth, it’s very important to have them fitted for a mouth guard. Mouth guards are made of soft plastic, which has been molded especially to fit your child’s mouth. They aren’t the most comfortable or attractive accessories, but your child needs to know the importance of his or her dental safety.

Mouth guards will prevent the upper and lower jaws from crashing together from a blow to the face. Not only will this help prevent tooth damage and loss, but it can also prevent concussions as well. If your child is dedicated to his or her sport, a mouth guard is as essential as any of their other sports equipment.

If your child has received a mouth injury while playing sports, or to make an appointment to receive a custom mouth guard, please contact Little Rockies Pediatric Dentistry, located in Parker, CO!

Posted on Apr 15, 2016

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