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Maintaining Oral Hygiene Habits While on Vacation

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Summer is here, which means fun road trips and vacations! But just because you go on a vacation from work or school, doesn’t mean your dental health also gets a pass. As a matter of fact, the change in your usual routine means that it’s even more important to stay on top of your oral hygiene.

Oral Hygiene While on Vacation

Below are a few tips on how to maintain your dental health, no matter where you’re at!

  • Put together an oral hygiene travel bag – Travel sizes can be a life-saver! You can find most dental hygiene products in a travel size, making it especially easy to ensure great habits while you’re away from home. Make sure your travel bag includes a toothbrush (which a toothbrush head protector to keep germs out!), fluoride toothpaste, floss, and even some travel-size mouthwash!
  • Be aware of what you eat on vacation – When on vacation, it’s common for sugary drinks, snacks, and desserts to abound! We’re not suggesting you abstain from enjoying all the delicious food and drinks, but be sure you’re conscious of your teeth, and always brush after meals, especially sugary ones. If you can’t brush, at least rinse your mouth with water after eating, as this will rid your mouth of at least some of the bacteria and food debris!
  • Stick to your regular routine - After a long day of summer fun, it can be tempting to just fall into bed without bothering with your usual routine. But neglecting your dental health could lead to unpleasantness later on. Make brushing and flossing a part of your vacation routine for the whole family!

At Little Rockies Pediatric Dentistry, we want all of our patients and their families to have a safe and happy summer vacation! To discuss your child’s oral health and hygiene, please contact Little Rockies Pediatric Dentistry. Our children’s dentist is located in Parker, Colorado.

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