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Summer Advice For Your Teeth

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Summer is here, which for many people means vacations, sports, and fun in the sun! The summer months oftentimes bring a rise in athletic activities, and usually we see a small rise in oral related issues as well from these sports and activities. Here are some summer tips to keep you in the sun and out of the dental chair.

How can I protect against chipped and broken teeth?

All activities come with some risk of tooth damage. The easiest way to protect your teeth is to get a simple mouth guard from the sports store. Seems like a simple first step right? This is usually the one that is over looked. Get a mouth guard to protect that smile.

Broken teeth can be mended almost ‘good as new’ these days, sometimes with simple fillings, sometimes with beautiful porcelain created to match your smile. Lost teeth can be replaced almost invisibly. Call us if you experience this. We are always here to help.

What if a tooth is knocked out?

If you have a tooth knocked out, carefully place it in liquid – milk is the very best – or, if it’s clean, back in your mouth by your cheek and call right away. If we get the tooth back in place in 30 minutes or so, it may do just fine. If this happens you next call should be to us so we can get you in and take care of your tooth.

Are sports drinks bad for my teeth?
Let’s not even give the sports drinks a try. They are packed with sugar and for most of us we do not need the minerals they claim they provide. What is and always will be the best drink for your teeth and to quench your thirst. If you must have a sports drink, gulp it down and rinse your mouth with fresh cool water afterwards. Don’t sip on your sports drinks or pops for long periods of time. The acid build up will destroy your teeth and gums.

For any other questions about Oral Health please call Dr. Matt Brady at (303) 223-9897 or stop on by Little Rockies Pediatric Dentistry and say hello at 10371 Parkglenn Way, Suite 260 Parker, CO 80138

Posted on Jun 12, 2015

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