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3 Great Reasons To See Your Dentist During Orthodontic Treatment

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  1. Plaque and tartar removal
    Braces are great for collecting all that extra food you want to hold to for later. Eventually, plaque and tartar can form around your brackets, bands or other appliances we place on your teeth. Professional cleanings and checkups with your dentist will help keep plaque and tartar at bay.
  2. Decalcification
    This is a serious condition where your teeth lose calcium. It is caused when bacteria buildup on your tooth enamel, it looks like white spots. It is irreversible and if left untreated, it will lead to cavities.
  3. Cavities
    Cavities can lengthen orthodontic treatment and that costs more time and more money. To accomplish your treatment on time it is vital for you to maintain regular dental checkups while we’re treating braces. Your dentist can provide fluoride treatments that strengthen your teeth and protect them from cavities. Some ortho patients who get a cavity during treatment may have their treatment completion delayed. In order to fill the cavity we may have to take off your braces to le the dentist go to work. This costs more time and money too and could mean you are in braces longer.

For any other questions about Oral Health please call Dr. Matt Brady at (303) 223-9897 or stop on by Little Rockies Pediatric Dentistry and say hello at 10371 Parkglenn Way, Suite 260 Parker, CO 80138

Posted on Jun 12, 2015

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