Posted on Jun 21, 2016
(720) 638-6114
Mon & Fri: 7-3; Tue-Thurs: 8-5
At Little Rockies Pediatric Dentistry, we want our little patients to be healthy and safe in every aspect of their lives, not only their dental health. We have many parents concerned about the amount of screen time they allow their children to have and the effect it may be having on their developing brains. Are video games and other devices harming your child?
According to some, we shouldn’t be allowing our children to have any type of screen-based technology. Others will say that, as long as it’s used in moderation, screen-based technology, including video games, can actually benefit our children.
We did a little research on the pros and cons of video games and children, and the list of our findings is below:
What we learned was that, in moderation, video games can actually benefit your child. You need to make sure that you’re monitoring the types of games being played and limit screen time to ½ hour to an hour a day.
Bringing your child in for regular dental cleanings and exams is an important part of keeping them healthy and happy! To schedule your child for an appointment with Dr. Matthew Brady, please contact Little Rockies Pediatric Dentistry. Our office is located in Parker, CO!
Monday & Friday: 7:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Tues, Wed, Thurs: 8:00 AM - 5:00PM