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4th Of July Safety Checklist

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The 4th of July is just a few days away and we know how much our little patients love fireworks! Here at Little Rockies Pediatric Dentistry, we want to make sure that the families who visit our practice have a fun and safe 4th of July holiday.

Fireworks are a beloved American tradition, but they aren’t without their dangers. It’s so important to be cautious with fireworks, especially around children. Below are a few ways to make sure your children and family stay safe this year:

4th of July Checklist

  • Know the law – Each city and state has its own laws regarding fireworks and we know you don’t want to receive a citation for setting off any illegal fireworks! These laws can change frequently due to especially dry seasons, so it’s important to check the law every year. In our opinion, the safest way to participate in fireworks displays are from lawn chairs at a professional display!
  • Make sure children are kept safe – If you do decide to set off your own fireworks, make sure your children are supervised at all times. It’s so easy for fireworks to be set off wrong, so don’t allow children or adolescents to set them off alone. Keep a hose or a water bucket nearby in case of a fire and always read the labels on the fireworks for any additional cautions.
  • How to use sparklers safely – Sparklers have always been thought to be safe for children, but this is not the case. Sparklers burn at around 2,000 degrees (hotter than a blowtorch!) and shouldn’t be handed to children. Never attempt to light more than one sparkler at a time and never throw sparklers in the air. Once the sparkler has been spent, soak the wire stick in a bucket of water to prevent residual ash from starting a fire.
  • What to do with a dud – We’ve all had a dud firework that doesn’t work the way it’s supposed to! While it can be tempting to re-light the firework to get your money’s worth, ignore this impulse. Don’t approach the firework for 20-30 minutes (to prevent it from exploding as you get near) and soak it in water before disposing of it in an outdoor garbage bin.

Please keep your children and pets safe during your fireworks display this year and be sure to make an appointment at our office for a dental cleaning and exam once all the holiday treats have been eaten!

To make an appointment, please contact Little Rockies Pediatric Dentistry, located in Parker, CO!

Posted on Jun 28, 2016

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