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What Parents Should Know About Cracked Tooth Syndrome

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Close-up of cracked toothCracked tooth syndrome is a painful condition that occurs as a result of a crack in your child’s tooth. These cracks can range from a small hairline crack on the tooth’s crown to a fracture reaching all the way to the tooth’s roots. If you believe your child has cracked tooth syndrome, it’s important to contact Little Rockies Pediatric Dentistry to make an appointment.

Cracked Tooth Symptoms

The symptoms of cracked tooth syndrome vary depending on the type and severity of the crack. But the following are a few of the most common signs of cracked tooth syndrome:

  • Sharp pain when biting down in a particular area
  • Pain that eases once the pressure has been removed
  • Sensitivity to sugary, sticky foods or temperatures in a localized area
  • Remembering biting down on something hard or hearing a crack even if you can’t see it

Cracked Tooth Syndrome Causes

Many things can crack your child’s teeth, but it’s usually a result of the following:

  • Bruxism, which is the grinding and clenching of the teeth
  • Oral or facial trauma
  • Damage from an unsuccessful root canal
  • Chewing hard foods like hard candy, nuts, or ice
  • Damaged tooth restoration
  • Bite misalignment, which can cause uneven pressure when chewing
  • Chewing on nonfood items like pencils, toys, or clothing

If you’re concerned that your child is suffering from cracked tooth syndrome, please make it a priority to contact Little Rockies Pediatric Dentistry to make an appointment. Our children’s dental office is located in Parker, Colorado.

Posted on Nov 13, 2019

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