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What Age Should I Bring My Child To The Dentist?

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Generally 3 years old is about the time you want to begin to bring your kid(s) in for a first visit to the dentist. However, we recommend to parents to consider bringing them in as soon as they have teeth or as soon as they think the child would be able to sit in the chair and listen to directions from the dentist.

A good first step it to bring your young one with you to your visit and get him introduced to the experience. This will help him or her understand what is going on and see that it is a normal part of life. The idea is to make your kid(s) comfortable with going to the dentist so that when they grow to be adults they already have a healthy mouth and healthy practices. Healthy behavior is taught easier when your children are young, so set them up for success early on.

Little Rockies Pediatric Dentistry specializes in child’s teeth. We provide the best care possible in a comfortable and friendly environment

Posted on Sep 7, 2014

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