Posted on May 16, 2016
(720) 638-6114
Mon & Fri: 7-3; Tue-Thurs: 8-5
Everyone knows the damage that tobacco use can have on the body of the person who uses it. But secondhand smoke can cause just as many problems in people who don’t smoke, but spend time with a smoker. This damage is more apparent in children than anyone else. Exposure to secondhand smoke can cause many problems for young children, some of them deadly. These effects can include:
Recently, it’s also been discovered that, in addition to all the problems above, children who live with smokers have an increased risk for tooth decay as well. Even if the smoker goes away from the child to smoke, the child is still 50% more likely to have tooth decay and cavities than children who live with non-smokers. The younger the child is when they’re exposed to secondhand smoke, the more likely the problems are to occur.
Secondhand smoke directly affects the teeth and mouth by:
If childhood cavities and tooth decay go untreated, they can cause many problems, not the least of which is pain, discomfort, and expensive dental procedures to fix the problem.
There is no level of secondhand smoke that is safe for your child. If you smoke and would like information on how to stop, or if you believe your child may have cavities or tooth decay, please contact Little Rockies Pediatric Dentistry. We are located in Parker, CO!
Monday & Friday: 7:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Tues, Wed, Thurs: 8:00 AM - 5:00PM