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Is That A Real Smile: Look Into The Eyes

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Have you ever wondered how to spot a fake smile? The obvious answer in not to simply look at the mouth. Why not? The mouth is the gateway to our health and is the main culprit in a flashy smile or a piercing frown. The mouth can tell us love, happiness, sour taste, and can vocalize these emotions as well.

Leslie Baehr at Business Insider explains: “There are two muscle groups involved in smiling. The first pulls up the corners of your lips. Since you can manipulate this muscle voluntarily, it is not a good predictor of a real happy smile. The other muscle is involuntary and can only be activated by happiness. It is the obicularisocculi, which causes the outer corners of your eye sockets to squint.

Read the full article and view interesting pictures about fake vs real smiles:

Posted on Aug 7, 2014

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