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Preparing Your Child for Orthodontic Treatment

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Two childrenBefore receiving orthodontic treatment, it’s important for your child to understand the reason that he or she needs braces. We’ve found that being informed will help improve your child’s cooperation and relationship with the orthodontist.

Being prepared for orthodontic treatment isn’t just about physically preparing your child’s teeth. It also means preparing your child emotionally and mentally in order to minimize fear and anxiety regarding the orthodontist. During this period of transition for your child, it’s important to be understanding and supportive, especially toward the beginning of orthodontic treatment.

Helping Prepare Your Child for Orthodontic Treatment

Before your child receives braces, there are a few things he or she should know. These things include the following:

  • Why Braces are Necessary – Orthodontic treatment is most often used to properly align crooked or overlapped teeth or to improve the aesthetics of the smile and properly align the jaws. Make sure you involve your child in the treatment process from start to finish.
  • Orthodontic Treatment is Common – Make sure your child knows that he or she is not alone. Odds are good that every child receiving orthodontic treatment also has a friend, classmate, or cousin who has braces as well. Allow your child to ask questions of their peers with braces. This can make them feel more comfortable with the process and let them know they aren’t alone!
  • Patience is Important – The treatment time will depend largely on your child’s circumstances and how well you follow the directions of your child’s orthodontist. Let your child know that the time spent with braces will be worth it in the end. You can look up orthodontics before and after pictures to show your child what a big difference it can make and how beneficial it will be to put in the time!

Lastly, it’s vital to communicate with your child and his or her orthodontist. Let the orthodontist know if you or child have any questions or concerns regarding treatment. The orthodontist will thoroughly explain your child’s treatment, what to expect, and how to best handle the changes.

Even during orthodontic treatment, your child should still be visiting Little Rockies Pediatric Dentistry every six months for a dental cleaning and exam. To schedule this appointment, please contact our Parker, Colorado child’s dental office today.

Posted on Jun 19, 2018

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