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Packing a Healthy Lunch for Your Children

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Children in classroom ahnding apple over to another childWhen your child is at home, it’s easy to monitor what he or she eats. However, when your kids are at school you have no control over what they’re eating and you may not even know what it is. Lunches provided by schools can include some unhealthy options and it’s much more likely that your child has a healthy lunch if you pack a lunch for them to take to school.

Mouth-Healthy Lunch ideas

Below is a list of mouth-healthy foods to pack in your child’s lunch:

  • Apples – Packing an apple in your child’s lunch can improve their dental health and their overall health. Apples are good for your teeth because of their fibrous texture. As you bite into an apple, it will clean the teeth and gums, ridding them of plaque and bacteria.
  • Cheese – Calcium is found in cheese, and so is casein. Casein is a protein that can help to strengthen your child’s tooth enamel. Stronger tooth enamel will result in fewer dental cavities. We recommend including a few slices of cheese or string cheese in your child’s lunch bag.
  • Yogurt – Much like cheese, yogurt is full of casein and calcium. Yogurt also has the added benefit of good bacteria. These good bacteria can counteract the bad bacteria in your child’s mouth that can cause dental cavities. Pack some low-fat Greek yogurt in your child’s lunch and include some granola or fresh fruit for flavor.
  • Carrots – A bag of baby carrots in your child’s lunch bag will help to clean the teeth in much the same way as an apple. Additionally, carrots contain lots of vitamin A and fiber, which are good for both the mouth and the rest of the body.
  • Water – Lastly, instead of packing sugary juice or soda, we recommend packing water with your child’s lunch. It’s also a good idea to remind your child to rinse his mouth with water after lunch to loosen any leftover food debris.

Here at Little Rockies Pediatric Dentistry, your child’s health is important to us. It’s vital that he or she visits our office every six months for a dental cleaning and exam. To make your child’s appointment, please contact our Parker, Colorado children’s dental office.

Posted on Apr 28, 2018

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