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How to Make Brushing Fun for Your Kids

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Mom and baby brushing teethKids can be reluctant to participate in any activity that isn’t “fun!” Unfortunately for parents, most of the things that need to be done aren’t fun. But, thanks to the following list, you may be able to move “brush your teeth” from the chore list and onto the fun one!

How to Make Brushing Fun

Below are a few tips on how to make your child’s oral hygiene routine a little more fun:

  • Make it a song - If you put it to a catchy tune and add some rhyming words, kids will respond positively! It’s easy to make up words to most of the classic kids’ songs. Here’s one:
    Sung to the tune of “Row, Row, Row Your Boat” Brush, brush, brush your teeth, brush them ‘til they gleam! Brush the fronts and brush the backs and brush them in between!
  • Use the tooth fairy - The tooth fairy is a fun tradition, but she can also be used to reinforce good oral hygiene habits. Make sure you’re telling your kids that the tooth fairy only rewards kids for the healthy teeth they lose!
  • Find an app - There are many apps you can download to help make sure your child is brushing for the recommended two minutes. Find one with your child’s favorite television character, Disney princess, or superhero and they’ll be sure to participate in brushing.
  • Turn it into a game - One of the best ways to teach a child is by doing it with them. Get your toothbrush and your child’s toothbrush ready and see who can get their teeth the cleanest! *Hint- kids like to win!

No matter how you choose to motivate your kids to brush their teeth, make sure it’s done at least twice a day and reinforce daily flossing habits as well. It’s also a good idea to ensure they’re receiving regular dental cleanings and exams, so bring them into Little Rockies Pediatric Dentistry here in Parker, Colorado!

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