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How Can I Get My Child To Brush?

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How to Get Your Child To BrushAt Little Rockies Pediatric Dentistry we always get asked, “How can I get my child to brush?”  We have some great suggestions for parents that we wanted to share with everyone.  Some of these use imagination are games and might even get you to brush more.  Either way these ideas that we will lay out in a mini blog series will help instill good brushing behaviors that will carry through to adulthood.

Before we suggest our first fun tip, make sure you start these early in life, as they certainly will build on healthy brushing behaviors.  As a parent make sure you reinforce how important brushing your teeth is to a healthy smile.

Our first suggestion is a ‘Show and Tell’ game.

  • Brush your own teeth while your child is brushing. Get down on their level so they can see what you are doing.  When you do something, have your child mimic.  Younger children will have a blast with this.

  • Demonstrate how to brush in circles, like train wheels going around on a track from left-to-right and right-to left.  Urge your child to do it “just like this.”  Reward them wil songs and high fives.

  • Show them how you brush all their teeth, top and bottom, front and back.  You can further instill good behavior by employing a score chart.  Use stars to show how great your child is doing.

If you have any questions about brushing don't hesitate to give us a call at Little Rockies Pediatric Dentistry.  Our number is (720) 638-6114.  Next month we will suggest more games you can play with your child to enhance brushing.

Posted on Mar 13, 2017

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