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Helping Your Kids Avoid a Sunburn this Summer

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Child with sun screen on faceSunburns are not only painful, but they’re very dangerous for your child’s health. It’s been shown that frequent or severe sunburns in childhood contribute to an increased risk of skin cancer in adulthood. We’re not saying you should keep your children inside all summer because there’s so much fun to be had outside! But before you go hiking, swimming, or just outside to jump on the trampoline, make sure you know how to keep your child’s skin safe from the sun.

Helping Children Avoid Sunburns

Below are a few ways to make sure that you and your children are safe in the sun’s rays:

  • Avoid Peak Times – Your child is most likely to get a sunburn between the hours of 10 am and 2 pm. Try to avoid the sun between these hours when its rays are the harshest. This is one of the best ways to avoid sunburns.
  • Use Sunscreen – Sunscreen is obviously a great way to prevent sunburns. Apply it to your children often and liberally. Make sure you don’t forget little ears, hands, feet, lips, scalp, and the back of your child’s neck; these areas are frequently overlooked.
  • Reapply – If you’re swimming, it’s important that you reapply sunscreen every time your child comes out of the water. Even if the sunscreen claims to be waterproof, we still recommend reapplying after getting wet.
  • Stay Covered – Floppy hats, umbrellas, and cover-ups are great ways to keep your kids protected from the sun. We know that the heat can make it feel tempting to wear as little as possible, but covering up is a great way to avoid sunburns.
  • Know Your Child’s Skin – Lastly, know your child’s skin. If he or she has darker skin, you may not need to apply sunscreen as often. However, if your children have fairer skin, you’ll need to be more vigilant about sun care. Plan your sunny days wisely!

Here at Little Rockies Pediatric Dentistry, your child’s dental and overall health is important to us. We want all of our little patients and their families to have a safe and fun summer vacation! To make an appointment, please contact our Parker, Colorado children’s dentist today!

Posted on Jul 17, 2018

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