Posted on Apr 28, 2014
(720) 638-6114
Mon & Fri: 7-3; Tue-Thurs: 8-5
Millions of Americans have turned to bottled water as part of their nutrition plan. You’ve probably seen evidence of it here in the Washington, D.C., area – bottles in the gym, at the office, and on the go. We consume almost 8.4 billion gallons of bottled water every year. The concern in general dentistry is what drinking all that bottled water is doing to our teeth.
Missing Fluoride
It’s not that bottled water is bad for your health. It’s that bottled water does not contain fluoride. Almost every municipality in the U.S. has been adding fluoride to the water supply since the 1950s. When you drink tap water you get an extra dose of cavity fighting fluoride with every sip. The problem now is that drinking bottled water has become so widespread dentists are seeing the effects of the missing fluoride in children. The rise in tooth decay in children under the age of ten is alarming.
What About the Tap?
The bottom line is: Don’t fear the tap. The fluoride in tap water is good for you. Keep drinking it. If you don’t, you are much more likely to be visiting us more often for tooth-colored fillings and porcelain crowns.
Monday & Friday: 7:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Tues, Wed, Thurs: 8:00 AM - 5:00PM