Popcorn Kernels Break Teeth So good and perfect with a movie, yet playing a dangerous game with your teeth. The kernels in popcorn can do a number if you bit down at the right or wrong time. If you have fillings and you get a hull stuck between your teeth or gums it could stay there and cause lots of damage.
Citrus Fruits One of the great things about Mother Nature is its home grown candy. Oranges being one of them. However the citrus can erode enamel making your teeth weaker over time. What about all the benefits? Yes they are really good for your body and soul but too much of anything is never a good thing.
Sports Drinks Going out for a jog? Next time take water instead of the sports drink. It’s funny that they are even sold as a sports drink because when I work out I tend not to bring sugar with me, it has no benefits. The sugar will be converted to an acid by the bacteria on teeth, which dissolve the teeth to form cavities. And the fact that the drinks are consumed over a period of time ensures that there will be an elongated acidic environment dissolving teeth. So, while we are thinking healthy here lets ditch the so called sports drinks
Potato Chips Or starch chips as we should call them. This tends to get stuck between your teeth, and sits there. Nothing shocking here. If you do choose to enjoy, floss or brush after.